Hyper Island

90-Minute Prototypes

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60 - 1202 - 40 Medium

90-Minute Prototypes is a short and sweet prototyping workshop that challenges teams to build basic clickable app prototypes within 90 minutes. It’s easy to plan and run and demonstrates how rapidly an insight can be turned into a test-ready prototype. Use it to inspire your team to embrace a prototyping mindset.



  • Inspire your team to embrace a prototyping mindset
  • Build basic clickable app prototypes within 90 minutes




    Step 1:

    Welcome & Introduction (5 min)

    A day or more before the workshop, ask participants to download and set-up POP App. They should familiarise themselves with the interface but do not need to spend more than 5-10 minutes.

    Begin the workshop by welcoming participants and explaining that within the next 90 minutes they will create clickable app prototypes, ready for testing and presentation.

    Emphasise that the workshop will be fast-paced and hands-on. Encourage them not to aim for perfection, but to dive in and have fun.

    Divide the group into groups of 2-4. Each group must have at least one person who has downloaded the app.

    Step 2:

    Identify a Need (10 min)

    Explain that the first step is for each group to identify a user need or value gap that could be solved by a new digital service.

    This step can be approached in various ways. For example, with one of the following prompts:

    • What are the most common needs/value gaps expressed by our customers?
    • What are common needs/value gaps for target group X?
    • What are the biggest needs/values gaps in your current daily life?

    You could also use a method like User Day-parting or Rapid Research before this workshop to generate relevant needs. The point is for each group to identify a relevant need or value gap.

    Step 3:

    Ideate (15)

    Based on the need/value gap identified, each group should now spend 15 minutes creating a concept for a digital service. Make sure that groups had paper and markers and encourage them to make notes and sketches as they develop their concept.Encourage groups to be creative, pushing beyond the obvious ideas.

    Explain that the service idea does not need to be contained to an app, but an app must be one component of the service.

    After 15 minutes, each group should have a service concept roughly defined.

    Step 4:

    Sketch (15)

    Explain that the next step is to create a simple clickable app prototype for their concept.

    Provide each group with several printed iPhone screen templates. Their task is to create at least 4 frames of the app for their service.

    They should imagine that they are building a prototype to show and test with potential users. Encourage them to prototype key features and flows that demonstrate the value of the service.

    Step 5:

    Produce (15)

    The next step is for groups to use POP App to upload their sketches and create their clickable prototypes. Explain the basic function of POP App: Uploading drawings and then making elements within them clickable to create flows from one screen to the next.

    As groups work on this, walk around the room, supporting groups that may need more guidance using the app. Encourage participants to support each other with this also, with app-savvy participants supporting those who might struggle.

    When groups are ready, ask them to use the 'Share' function to share their prototypes with you, the facilitator or someone else who will gather them and put them up on the projector. (POP App allows for sharing via copied link, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS)

    Using a computer connected to the projector, gather the links so that they can be opened and projected in quick succession.

    Step 6:

    Present (15)

    Invite each group to come up and deliver a 2-minute presentation of their prototype. Each presentation should cover:

    • The need/value gap
    • The overall service concept (briefly)
    • The flow of the app (click through prototype)

    If time allows, after each presentation, invite other groups to build on the app concept, with "yes, and..." suggestions for how it could be further developed.

    Step 7:

    Wrap-up (15)

    After all the presentations bring the whole group back together. Invite participants to reflect individually for five minutes on the following questions:

    • How was this experience overall?
    • What was challenging? What was energizing?
    • What useful insights can I take from this experience?
    • How could I apply learning from this experience in my daily work?

    After participants have reflected individually, invite them to share reflections in the larger group.

    Close the session.


    Source: Hyper Island toolbox

    Hyper Island designs learning experiences that challenge companies and individuals to grow and stay competitive in an increasingly digitized world. With clients such as Google, Adidas and IKEA, Hyper Island has been listed by CNN as one of the most innovative schools in the world

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