Email Questions
A virtual asynchronous start for an issues or problem solving workshop.
The intent of this method is to enable groups who find it difficult to participate in group workshops. It allows people to prepare their thinking and discuss their questions with colleagues beforehand.
Pre-Work Required:
A. In online facilitation use a collaboration board: create one area per question on the board. Send the link to the board to participants and ask them to use post its for their answers.
B. using email: A set of 7 questions are prepared and emailed to each of the participants.
1. Prepare seven questions two weeks before the meeting and
- email questions to all the participants and ask them to prepare their answers
- in online facilitation: send the link to the online collaboration board
2. When the meeting starts assign people to small groups to share their thinking about the seven questions (an alternative is to have them share their thinking about a few of the questions).3. Ask the groups to reach agreement about the answers to the questions and to share their answers to the questions to the whole group..
Follow-Up Required: The solutions need to be processed.
History of Development: This has been successfully used in large intergovernmental institutions.
Comments (2)
Using a collaboration board like Miro or Mural allows to engage participants in identifying questions in a 3 step asynchronous process before a workshop: first inviting participants to suggest questions on the collaboration board, then to prioritise questions through voting before asking them in a third step to post possible answers.
External Facilitators would establish these questions in collaboration with their client.