Empathy Workshop Activities

Conversation Café

I'll take that fear
People share a fear, it is received by another, and then they are asked to share the advice that a trusted mentor or friend would give them.

500 year gap
In pairs, one person describes a modern appliance to someone from 500 years ago

Map Participation Styles
In most meetings, 20% of participants do 80% of the talking. Unfortunately, remote meetings amplify this lousy behavior.
Some people like to talk to think, while others need to think before they talk. Some people are shy and quiet, while others are more vocal and outspoken.
This activity helps assess participation style and adjust behaviors.

I notice, I wonder
Learn through careful observation.
Observation and intuition are critical design tools. This exercise helps you leverage both. Find clues about the context you're designing for that may be hidden in plain sight.

Tell a Tale
Build empathy by retelling someone's story.

I'll Take Your Fear
Players share things they're afraid of, and others who don't have that fear symbolically "take" that fear away.

Empathy Map
create an empathy map

A Day in the Life
Understand your users day-to-day. To better design for people, try shadowing them for a day. By observing someone in their own context, you'll notice details about their life - the way they engage with people, pr their routine - that you'd otherwise never see.
Empathy Map
The empathy map allows you to generate a deeper understanding of one’s motivations and why.

Capture the right mood
Understand your users through visual artifacts.
A mood board is a collage of images and texture that communicates a feeling or experience. See what inspires people by asking them to make their very own.