Chat Waterfall
Using the chat in zoom, participants share ideas / challenges and then additions / solutions.
Using the chat in zoom, participants share ideas / challenges and then additions / solutions.
Pass a simultaneous clap around the circle
As people are picked up by the driver their emotional state 'infects' the rest of the group.
One person gives a suggestion and everyone does what they say.
2 people each think of a word that is a combination of 2 previous words, attempting to land on the same word.
Group counts to 21 with their eyes closed
One at a time, people add to create a moving, noise-making machine.
Silent exercise. Three modes of walking at the top of the exercise: neutral walk, fast/hurried walk, slow walk. Then add full stop, then stop & jump, then any mode. Whole group responds when it changes.
In pairs or small groups players silently become non-human objects together
Players create a slide with their bodies and someone else explains what it is
In 2 groups: One group is clay, and they close their eyes. The other group are sculptors.The sculptors build one sculpture out of all the `clay` players.