The interview is a good warm up for every training or workshop session. Playful start in which the participants will start to communicate with and come to know each other, directing the thinking toward the topic of the day. It is usually a very cheerful activity.
Az interjú egy jó bemelegítés, jégtörő minden tréninghez vagy workshophoz. Játékos kezdés, amelyben a résztvevők elkezdenek megismerkedni és kommunikálni egymással, miközben a gondolataikat már a nap témája felé irányítjuk.
Start to communicate, get the participants brains on the subject of the day.
Arrange two lines of chairs facing each other, ask the participants to take a seat.
Tell them, that we are leaving now this company, leaving our positions and get into the shoes of a reporter at a newspaper. (Figure out a name for the newspaper in the field of their profession, e.g.: "Business and psychology"). Their job is to make an interview for the newspaper before the daily deadline (which is 3 minutes time).
There will be 4 rounds. A round consist of 2x3 minutes with one topic. In every round in the first 3 minutes line A will be the reporter and line B will be the subject, then they change.
Make ppt slides with guiding questions for every round which will help the participants make the interview.
1st round
Start with a warm up topic.
- "What makes a day at the company interesting for you?"
- "Tell us something interesting about yourself that no one at the company knows about you, but you are happy or willing to share."
For 3 minutes line A is the reporter and line B is the subject. After that line B stands up, and everybody moves one chair to their right hand. The one on the last seat bypass all the others and comes logically to the first seat. Then a new 3 minutes starts, now line B is the reporter and line A is the subject.
After the 2x3 minutes, everybody has talked about this topic, so another round starts. Line A stand up, move one chair to the right. Get the new topic on the ppt, and start 2nd round...
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