Level of Influence
This is a simple method to prioritize actions as part of an action planning workshop, after a list of actions has been generated.
Pre-Work Required: A list of actions has been generated. These can be simple actions to complex strategies
This session we are going to look at how much influence we as a group have directly on the actions we are proposing.
1. We will rank them from 1 to 10 in terms of influence. One is zero influence and 10 it total influence.
List the ideas on a flipchart or whiteboard.
2. Walk through each item and ask the group, "What level of influence do we have?"
3. Continue until all items are ranked.
4. List all the items from 10 to 1 on the board.
5. We want to decide which of the items on which we have influence we want to work on.
6. Ask the group, We have total influence on 10 and 0 no influence what so ever. At what levels of influence do we want to put our energies into?"
7. Select a level say, 6 or 7. Review the items in levels 10 - 6 and ask, "Are these the items we want to work on?
Move to an action planning process.
Follow-Up Required: Action Planning
Online tip
This activity can be done online using sticky notes on an online collaboration boards
Usual or Expected Outcomes: A list of activities that have been selected from 1 - 10 in the level of influence the participants have over the implementation of the actions.
Derived from: unknown
Comments (2) (3.0 avg / 1 ratings)
This is a fun and engaging activity to help a team prioritize a list of tasks or goals. A slight variation is that the facilitator could ask the participants to individually rank the list according to level of influence that they perceive that the group has on its accomplishment. The next step would be to record next to each item the rank that each person has assigned to it. After that they would add up the numbers and record the total for each item. The items could then be placed in numerical order according to their total rankings. The group could then discuss the order and make any adjustments they see fit. After that they could proceed with developing the action plan for the top 6.
A simple step which allows a group to focus on the tasks they can have influence on.