Force Field Analysis
Evaluate the factors that will either support or hinder a change in an organisation or entity.
Evaluate the factors that will either support or hinder a change in an organisation or entity.
A SWOT Analysis is used in project planning, strategic planning and other processes where agreement is needed about the current situation of a project, team, department or organization. It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Determine the gap between the present situation and a desired future state
This process is used to prioritize certain factors among others. It is also referred to as identifying the "critical few" that play a significant role in whatever issue is being examined.
This is a simple method to prioritize actions as part of an action planning workshop, after a list of actions has been generated.
After Action Reviews are typically done during and after a project's lifetime to generate learning for the future
This technique helps to create a historical timeline for your organization with the collective work of your group members.
This activity can be a stand alone workshop or part of a planning workshop.
An annual review of work for the business support unit.
Articulating consensus on outcomes