You have a wealth of brilliant ideas, and it can be a challenge to select which to take forward to develop further.
This game will help you decide on, and select winning ideas.
You have a wealth of brilliant ideas, and it can be a challenge to select which to take forward to develop further.
This game will help you decide on, and select winning ideas.
Players perform a scene based on an audience suggestion. At any point during the scene, the Host may blow a whistle and call for a “New Choice,” (or "Change!") at which point the previous line of dialogue and/or action is replaced with a new line of dialogue and/or action.
2 people each think of a word that is a combination of 2 previous words, attempting to land on the same word.
Ihr wollt agile Prozesse spielerisch erlebbar machen? Dann hilft Euch das Agile Point Game, um agile Prozesse verständlicher zu machen. Ihr simuliert den agilen Produktionsprozess in mehreren Zyklen.
A category is created and one person gives 5 things in that category.