Relationship Sculpture
One person sculpts 2 people in relationship. Sculpted people shift their relationship to each other.
be aware of how much is communicated by body language
insights about personal relationships (can be intense!)
Relationship sculpture
3 or more person groups (1 sculptor, 2 people to be sculpted + additional people as witnesses)
Ask the sculptor(s) to think about a 2-person relationship that they are that has some dynamic that they'd like to explore. Likely to be a dynamic that doesn't feel good in the current state. Let people know they will not need to reveal who the people are in the relationship or which person is themselves.
Demo or do warm up sculpting activity so people know how to 'sculpt' with other people in silence. Create agreement with group if you're doing this with light touch or no touching.
Optional - People may want to take photos of sculptures. Ask group if it's okay to take photos before you start.
Person 1 sculpts the other two people as themselves + the other person in a physical representation of how they are currently relating. Done in silence.
Person 1 steps back and observes. Makes any adjustments.
Sculpted people share: Sculptor (or facilitator) asks each person sculpted to speak about what it is like to be in this position. What does it feel like? What are their feelings about the other person? What are their thoughts? What do they want?
Optional: Person 1 can have the option to go in and experience being either person in the sculpture. May need help from witnesses(s) to get the position correct. Others may interview them when they are in the sculpture. May take photo.
Then have the sculpture slowly change to be in the relationship that they want to be in with no talking or planning. Just see what, if anything, is ready to shift. Prompt the sculpted people to go very slow and be authentic. Prime their noticing. There is no right/wrong/goal.
Sculpted people share: What does the final position feel like? What are their feelings about the other person? What was the first thing that they changed? ie. someone took a breath. Or someone turned ever so slightly toward the other.
Optional: Person 1 can have the option to go in and experience being either person in the sculpture. May need help from witnesses. May take photo (with permission)
Ask sculptor to share their reflections
Ask witnesses to share
created by Erica Marx, adapted from Sculptures
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