The song of my life
From a list of songs important in the lives of the group members, we will try to guess who chose them.
Establish emotional bonds between group members.
Step 1- The facilitator will ask each member of the group privately before the session (form or similar) what their life song is.
Step 2 - Afterwards he will play a random song and the rest of the group will have to guess:
1 - Interpreter
2- Title of the song
3- Who chose it
Step 3 - Optionally - without forcing anyone - the person can explain for what reason (what period of his life, what event it reminds him of) he chose this song.
Step 4 - A Spotify playlist can be created and shared with group members. A song from the list can be played at the start of each session and we will remember the person who chose it.
We can add more questions like:
If you didn't work what you do, what would you like to do?
Do you have a secret you want to share with the group?
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