No problem!
Player 1 has a problem, Player 2 solves it with a random object, Player 1 is thankful.
experience creativity in justification
experience boldness, support
Participants write down Objects on one piece of paper and Problems on other papers
Object = An object that can fit in a pocket
Problem = any problem a person can have. Can be practical (I can't find my keys) or personal (I can't decide which guy to marry).
Form 2 lines. One line will get problems and one will get objects. Pass out papers but instruct students not to look at them until it is their turn (put them in their pocket or whatever).
Player 1 "(Name), I have a problem. (read problem on paper).
Player 2 "Oh (Name), that's no problem. I have a (read object on paper)! And i can ... (explain how they will fix Player 1's problem with their object).
Player 1 "Oh thank you so much, ... (gives reason it's really such a great solution)
Next pair goes.
Then switch who has problems & objects.
Can have people decide their problem & their solution silently ahead of time and without writing it down. This is more challenging because you have to present what your problem & object is and then remember what the other person said in order to solve your problem with their object.
Can broadcast or share screens with the objects and/or problems into breakout rooms.
More of an applied improv game since improv is not about solving problems
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