Quick Reviews in 2 minutes
Easy and fun ways to review content or atmosphere at the end or in between group activity, in 2 minutes.
Ideal conditions: There are no special conditions needed.
Pre-Work Required: There is no work that needs to be done beforehand.
Facilitator personality fit: This is a easy method that can be practised by anyone.
Having only two minutes to review an activity, these exercises can help to keep things simple, say very little, and most importantly focus on the positive aspects.
1. Story telling in rounds
This is a fun communication exercise that requires concentration. The facilitator asks the group to tell a story about the last activity. This is done in turn, in which each person is only allowed to say one word, or a punctuation mark. This way the group has to listen to one another and work together in order to make the story work.
Tips for online facilitation: agree on sequence of how persons build the story is important. Best use the participant list either up- or downwards.
2. Three pictures (magic moments)
This exercise gives participants the opportunity to reflect the undergone activities for themselves. The facilitator asks the attenders to close their eyes (lay down etc.) and ask them to focus on something positive when hearing the following.
The participants are asked to "Picture three 'magic moments' from the activity that they would like to remember.
Picture 1 is something that the person him- or herself did or said. [pause]
Picture 2 is something another person did or said. [pause]
Picture 3 should show a magic or good moment for the whole group. [pause]"
This exercise helps to recall the activity and to relax for a brief moment.
3. Three replays (Freeze, Frame or Clips)
In this exercise the facilitator asks the participants to replay/recreate moments that they wish were caught on camera (e.g. a funny moment, a success, surprise etc.). These replays can be done by one person, a pair or a small group, depending on the situation they want to reconstruct. These situations can be moments from exercise 2, or any moment that the participants consider memorable.
Tips for online facilitation: use start/stop video or pin persons to the screen when they present their "picture"
4. Positive feedback for individuals
The facilitator should ask the participants to name 2 good things about each person (and his/her behaviour) during the activity. In case a person gets no or only little feedback the facilitator should have two, or more examples ready. This exercise boosts the participants' self-confidence and exalts the chances that the people learn from each others' examples.
Tips for online facilitation: Participants in breakout groups, use chat box or alternatively use a digital whiteboard to capture the feedback on observed behaviours, contributions on post its, or in tools like Mentimeter or Slido
5. Buddy time
The facilitator asks the participants to get together in pairs and to talk about a certain topic. This can be something funny, bad, successful etc. that happened during the activity, but should be something that gets people talking. Another option would be that the two persons working together give each other positive feedback. This can be done in turns, person 1 saying one statement about person 2, then the other way around, in order to guarantee a balance. The turns can be repeated until time is over.
Tips for online facilitation: Participants in breakout groups. Be creative how to capture the reflection using digital tools. While sharing in pairs in breakouts , persons can also post their reflection in Mentimeter or Slido
Follow-Up Required: There is no follow-up required.
Usual or Expected Outcomes: The outcome is an overview of people's mood, energy level, experiences, wishes etc..
Potential pitfalls: A problem could occur when the process takes longer than the concise estimated time. This could disturb the schedule.
How success is evaluated: the process is successful when the facilitator knows how the participants feel, and then uses it to plan the next steps, or workshops (e.g. an immediate break).
Source: Roger Greenaway
Comments (1)
Three more great tools for reflection.