Rockstar Stretch 🎸
Energize your group with a fun series of physical poses and movements.
Energize your group with a fun series of Rockstar Stretches. Starting off with something a bit silly and low-pressure can make groups more at ease. No perfect poses. Encourage interaction and sharing of movements, so people feel more comfortable sharing later.
Today's focus is on raising our energy. We can energize ourselves, using the power of our body and movement.
- Invite everyone to stand up, if you're comfortable and able to do so. We're going to imagine that we are Rockstar preparing for a show. We'll do some silly movements to warm us up before doing on stage. You might be one of the Spice Girls, maybe you're a drummer in a metal band, or the rapper Jay-Z.
- I'll start by doing a movement, and you all copy what I do. We'll go around the circle, each person does a movement or pose, that we all copy.
Jerzy Grotowski was a modern theatre practitioner, whose focus was on the body, and how it's used to affect emotions.
So, being hunched over a desk might make the actor "feel small", "old" or even stressed.
I took this idea into a playful space, imagining you are a rockstar preparing for a show and you want to feel confident and full of energy! Embodying big poses can make us feel more energetic.
I liked to take some inspiration from some Rockstars of the past, featured in Marty Schwarz' YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtsY0fNCAYU
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