The Customer relationship matrix
identify with the team the list of customers and stakeholders. Cluster them in 3 categories depending on their closeness. Decide when you need to assess the quality of the relation per category.
Check and improve the quality of the relation to your customers / stakeholders
First identify with the team the list of customers and stakeholders. Cluster them in 3 categories depending on their closeness. Use a matrix with in rows your stakeholders (clustered by category) and in columns the week number. Decide when you need to assess the quality of the relation per category. Typically the closest: weekly - the medium: monthly and the most far: quarterly. Put a 'x’ in each cell corresponding to these choices. Then each week, for each cell having a 'x”, ask these questions to your team: Have we been in touch with this stakeholder? Would you qualify this relation as good, medium or poor? Colour the cell reflecting the result of your discussion. Decide on adequate actions to improve the situation.
To be done in team weekly meetings or in project teams.
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