Erica Marx

Partner choices / Forming Groups / Who goes first

by for .  

facilitation short cuts
list of ways to instruct how to pair / group up
quickly decide which partner goes first



put people at ease because you make the choice easy for them
build in content and/or fun into transitions


Forming Pairs or Groups

Pair up with someone who...

Made similar fashion choices today
Wearing similar colors
Has similar footware
Has similar hairstyle
Similar height
Similar amount of warmth-retaining clothing

Shark Island

In a moment the floor will turn to an ocean filled with hungry sharks. The only way to be safe is to quickly get into a group of 2/3/4/5/6 people and form an island. You need the exact number of people to form the island. Ready, GO!

Pairs find another pairs to form group of 4 (or 6 or 8, etc.)

Who goes first

Minimal discussion

  • Wearing the brightest colors
  • Longest hair 
  • Smallest feet
  • Is wearing the most (specific color/ metal/etc)

More discussion / connection --

  • Speaks the most languages
  • Has the most pets
  • Slept the most hours last night
  • Has been in X location the longest (if conference or retreat)
  • Most times attended [this event/conference etc.]
  • Most years worked in this department or at this company
  • Travelled the farthest to get here
  • Has been in X organization the longest
  • Was born the closest to (place of workshop)
  • shoveled snow / been on an airplane / etc. most recently
  • Earliest birthday in the year

Group of 3

Choose an apple, chocolate, hamburger (or any 3 random things)

Changing partners in a circle

Inner circle and outer circle, chairs facing each other. Inner circle rotates.

Have people stand in a circle. Face each other in pairs. People facing one way stand still. People facing the other way rotate to the next person. 


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