You seem [feeling]
One player initiates with object work. The second player joins the scene by doing complementary object work, then verbally initiates by saying "You seem _______." Player 1 yes-ands, and so on.
To build a connected, relationship-based scene
To teach players to respond to what seems true within the scene
To focus on yes-anding one step at a time
Two players up. Player 1 initiates with some object work. Player 2 joins the scene by doing a complementary action. Then Player 2 says to Player 1, "you seem ______" and they name a feeling. Player 1 yes-ands, and the scene continues.
Coaching Notes:
1) It's important for Player 2 to engage in some action. Otherwise, they will be removed from the scene and not as invested in the reality. It can lead to a player judging and critiquing rather than observing and caring.
2) Remind Player 2 to stick to feelings, at least at first. After some time, it can be fun to move towards statements like, "you seem really wise" or "you seem to be struggling."
3) One thing at play in this exercise is observation. Player 2 should base their statement on something that does, indeed, seem to be the case. If Player 1 is very happily doing an action, and Player 2 says, "you seem sad," that just doesn't make any sense and makes the scene very difficult to play.
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